Don’t slash your marketing budget during the pandemic: Effectiveness study In an online seminar for advertisers and marketers, two of the world’s leading authorities on advertising effectiveness, Rob Brittain and Peter Field explained the findings of their major new...
Why Reach and Frequency is such an important part of your advertising?
If you’re planning to spend money on advertising there’s not just one thing you need to consider, there are five main points and without one or more of them, you are spending money on a campaign that may not achieve the results you want. It’s important to know that...
How do you decide how much to spend on your advertising?
Most businesses will look at their figures for the last financial year and say I spent this amount of advertising, so that's’ my budget. But here’s the question you need to ask yourself, “was I happy with the return on investment from that advertising spend and did I...
What’s the most important part of your advertising campaign?
If you’re planning to spend money on advertising there’s not just one thing you need to consider, there’s 5 and without one or more of them, you are spending money for it to do nothing. It’s important to know that all five play an important part in the success or...
Is knowing your target audience important to your business marketing?
You’re in business because you love what you do or it's a skill that you have that you can make a living out of.. But opening your business and expecting everyone to just magically appear when you open your doors is a fantasy many businesses owners have. Just because...
Closing the Circle
The world is changing. Everyone has an opinion and everyone’s opinion is valid. We cannot know and we may never know why our lives have been turned upside down by this pandemic. Experts are telling us that it’s blip compared to many other pandemics we’ve experienced...